
Top 5 Twitter Mobile Apps

ReadWriteWeb published today a list of the most popular Twitter apps according to the blogosphere. They ranked them according to different criteria: overall, desktop apps, mobile apps, and web apps.

I chose to only show the top 5 Twitter mobile apps. Visit ReadWriteWeb for the full list.

Top 5 Twitter Mobile Apps:

  1. Hahlo (that’s the one I use on my iPhone)
  2. Cetwit
  3. Twitter Answers
  4. Twapper
  5. Twittai
Business Internet

Google hits a new high

Hitwise released its latest April report and (surprise) Google has again hit a new high with 67.9% of all searches. Yahoo is second with 20.3% and Microsoft is far behind with only 6.3%.


Business Internet SEO

Increasing online registrations

Patricia Hursh wrote a good blog entry at about online registrations and downloadable asssets. Online efforts are designed to generate leads and a good way to generate those leads is to give an incentive to people to enter their contact information. Most of the time, the incentive will be a downloadable eBook, or white paper, or report; call it whatever you want.

Patricia presents 3 proven method to increase registrations:

  1. bundle information – you may want to mix what you’re offering. It can be a white paper plus the recording of a webinar. Or a report with a podcast. By doing so, you create a much higher perceived value.
  2. offer multiple media formats – you want to leave people the choice to either read, watch, or listen. Various formats can be, video clip, podcast, webcast, product demo or a simple text document.
  3. test names and descriptions – you can improve response rate by testing names and descriptions. By doing so, you might find out that “product demo” generates much more registrations than “virtual tour”
Internet News

MySpace wins $234M spam judgment

MySpace has won a $234 million judgment over junk messages sent to its members in what is believed to be the largest anti-spam award ever, The Associated Press has learned.

A federal judge ruled against two of the Internet’s most prominent spam defendants, Sanford Wallace and Walter Rines, after the two failed to show up at a court hearing.

Rines and Wallace worked in concert to create their own MySpace accounts or take over existing ones by stealing passwords.

They then e-mailed other MySpace members asking them to check out a cool video or another cool site. When you go there, they were making money trying to sell you something or making money based on hits or trying to sell ring tones.

It would be a surprise, though, if MySpace ever collected. The giant judgments are all defaults, which means they don’t necessarily even know how to find the spammer.

There was no telephone listing for Wallace in the Las Vegas area, where he is last known to live. Service was disconnected for two listed numbers for Rines in Stratham, N.H., his last known address; a third number was unlisted.

Business Internet News

CraigsList sues eBay

A few weeks after being sued by eBay, CraigsList is now suing the auction giant, alleging eBay had used its minority stake in Craigslist to steal corporate trade secrets.

Craigslist’s complaint alleges a plan by eBay to use its position as a minority shareholder in Craigslist and its position on the Craigslist board to gather competitive information that led to the launch of eBay’s rival classifieds business. The suit claims eBay code-named Kijiji its “Craigslist killer” in internal strategy discussions.


List of do follow blogs

Support the do follow movement. Here is a list of blogs that follow links for SEO love.

Business Internet

Levi’s going viral on YouTube

A funny video I wouldn’t have come across if it wasn’t for this site. First uploaded Monday, the video has clocked a staggering 1.4 million views this week, garnering it YouTube’s coveted “most viewed” spot. Levi’s says no special trickery was used during shooting. I believe them but I wouldn’t risk my balls at it….


Myspace, FaceBook and Google Embrace Data Portability

data portabilityThe 3 bigs are starting to embrace data portability by making available sets of APIs for Open Social participants to pull profile information from social networks into third party websites.

MySpace launched Data Availability on Thursday. The following day, FaceBook rushed to announce FaceBook Connect, and Google is expected to present Google’s Friend Connect on Monday.

This whole Data Portability thing will be a way to securely send personal profile data, including friend lists, presence/status information, etc., to third party applications. The primary benefit of these services is to allow users to maintain a single friends list and to coordinate social activities across different sites that perform different services.

Michael Arrington at TechCrunch says:

The reason these companies are are rushing to get products out the door is because whoever is a player in this space is likely to control user data over the long run. If users don’t have to put profile and friend information into multiple sites, they will gravitate towards one site that they identify with, and then allow other sites to access that data.

Google will have to catch up with MySpace and FaceBook as it doesn’t have a gigantic pool of active users like the 2 social networks sites already have. What? Google is not leading the way for once?

Business Internet

Microsoft now hiring Google Killer

Found in one of Microsoft’s European offices:

microsoft google killer

Business Internet

Google serioulsy pisses me off

What I think of Google is no secret. They are evil. Very little people realize it yet but I can tell you that in a few years from now, we will see more and more anti-Google groups popping up.

I just read an article on about the Yahoo/Google ad deal, and here is what pissed me off:

Schmidt said he wanted to keep Yahoo out of Microsoft’s hands largely because he was concerned the world’s largest software maker would abuse the added power it would acquire in e-mail and instant messaging to limit consumer choices.

Ohhhhh, Google was “concerned” people wouldn’t have much choice…. Well, Google doesn’t seem to be much “concerned” about dominating the ad market. They don’t seem much concerned about not leaving web publishers much choice about generating revenues (Adsense is pretty much your only choice).

Google actually shit their pants! They knew if Microsoft was gonna get Yahoo, Google would have taken a huge slap in the face (and a huge drop in ad revenues).