Blogging Internet Marketing

How I Make Money Online

make money online

When you meet someone for the first time, there is always a time in the conversation when you’re going to ask each other what you do for a living. When I was working for the man, the answer was easy. I would simply say “I’m the Vice President of Marketing for a web company that offers various services to franchise companies”.

Now that I am self-employed and that I generate 100% of my revenues on the Internet, I find it a bit harder to explain what I do in one short and concise sentence. The best answer would be that I make money online. I’ve found that telling this usually generates about 60 more questions about the possible ways to make a living off a computer and an Internet connection.

In this article, I would like to discuss the various ways I make money online, mostly through blogging, content publishing and projects for clients.


How Google Killed My Online Business Overnight (And How They Couldn’t Care Less)

A few months ago I wrote about my dependency to Google and how they could totally shut down my business in no time. Maybe someone at Google read me and wanted to prove me right. After a year of using Adwords (and over $22,000 later), Google decided I wasn’t good enough for its online advertising service and disabled my account. Forever.


Hit Different Niches With The Same Product

niche market

I want to talk to you about how I am extending one of my products to different niches. By the way, this post is for people interested in web/affiliate marketing. If you’re not into it, you will find this post worthless.

Business Internet iPhone

How I Turned A Passion Into A $1,100/Month Revenue Stream

iphoneA little over 2 years ago, I started a website called iPod Media Selection on which I wanted to sell iPod softwares through affiliate programs. It did pretty well for a while because I was marketing the hell out of it, mostly by spamming forums and blogs. I soon got tired of playing the cat and mouse game with forums so I completely stopped marketing it. Then came the iPhone…

Business Internet SEO Tech

Get On The First Page Of Google Using Craigslist

craigslistDo you use Craigslist to generate traffic to your site? If not, you’re missing out on some free qualified visitors. What I’m going to talk about here is totally white hat SEO. It will not improve your SEO rankings. It will just bring some extra visitors to your site for a short period of time.